Small Changes for The Rest of This Year
It’s all good for the beginning of the year, but these aren’t so much “goals” as they are lifestyle changes that I’m wanting to make for the long haul. So, with that in mind, this is kind of a letter to myself that I can …
How Introverts Make Friends at Work
For some, making friends isn’t easy. Being social isn't easy. Some of us are more introverted than extroverted. Myself, I have driven both Uber and Lyft, and I've found that one suited me better because I tend to be more introverted. …
How Introverts Make Friends at Work
For some, making friends isn’t easy. Being social isn't easy. Some of us are more introverted than extroverted. Myself, I have driven both Uber and Lyft, and I've found that one suited me better because I tend to be more introverted. …
How Introverts Make Friends at Work
For some, making friends isn’t easy. Being social isn't easy. Some of us are more introverted than extroverted. Myself, I have driven both Uber and Lyft, and I've found that one suited me better because I tend to be more introverted. …
Photography In Public Is Not A Crime
Of course there could be more reasons for this increase in arresting photographers. Mickey suspects that part of the reason is the proliferation of the camera. Pretty much everyone with a smart phone has a camera capable of taking some very high quality pictures. …
Photography In Public Is Not A Crime
Of course there could be more reasons for this increase in arresting photographers. Mickey suspects that part of the reason is the proliferation of the camera. Pretty much everyone with a smart phone has a camera capable of taking some very high quality pictures. …
Photography In Public Is Not A Crime
Of course there could be more reasons for this increase in arresting photographers. Mickey suspects that part of the reason is the proliferation of the camera. Pretty much everyone with a smart phone has a camera capable of taking some very high quality pictures. …
Live Like a Bold Spartan
It’s quite easy to live like a Spartan. All you need to do is get rid of the junk, the clutter. Go through your belongings and sell or give away anything you don’t absolutely need. Start small at first, but once you get rid of …
Live Like a Bold Spartan
It’s quite easy to live like a Spartan. All you need to do is get rid of the junk, the clutter. Go through your belongings and sell or give away anything you don’t absolutely need. Start small at first, but once you get rid of …
Live Like a Bold Spartan
It’s quite easy to live like a Spartan. All you need to do is get rid of the junk, the clutter. Go through your belongings and sell or give away anything you don’t absolutely need. Start small at first, but once you get rid of …